Now adults can use Puppetface in the Sensory Room and Ultraviolet light.
This will eliminate those annoying background visual distractions.

The two most important questions parents, teachers and carers ask on behalf of a
child are……‘what can I see?’ & ‘where can I see it?’……practical and meaningful
questions necessary for daily living and teaching strategies.

Black-lite Puppetface’ gives valuable information on visual awareness, areas of
visual field being used and practical indicators such as where to place objects of

You can video to demonstrate to adults at home and school which is the best side
to show a child a picture - and how big it must be. Also these faces …”are brilliant
for identifying the line thickness the child needs for anything one wants the child to
learn from…”
(Professor Gordon N. Dutton)

The design, materials and format have been chosen for UVA reflection quality. It is
easy to use and still has the same size faces as the daylight version. There are no
pieces to drop or search for; a ring booklet is used initially and later a specific
single card - both easily managed. Faces are clearly numbered for the assessor and
full instructions are given.

                                      In the Sensory Room and in Ultraviolet light
                                Black-lite Puppetface is a useful tool
                                                  for a wide range of children


‘Black-lite Puppetface’

o     Ring booklet for
     Puppetfaces 1 – 6
o     Single cards pack for
     Puppetfaces 1 – 6
o    Assessment Instructions for
    UVA in Sensory Rooms
o    CD